Local Government Legal Services
- Representing local government and special districts in all governmental matters
- Contracting drafting, negotiations and related matters for large public projects and other governmental business.
- Representing government in litigation and administrative hearings in which the governmental entity is a party
- Assisting in pre-litigation protocols involving notice of claims and governmental immunity matters.
- Legal assistance to local government boards in their capacity as administrative tribunals in hearings before them (i.e. Board of Adjustment, Board of Equalization, Board of Public Health, Board of County Commissioners).
- Board of Assessment Appeals tax appeals
- Taxation matters.
- Public Trustee matters
- Assisting local governments in collaborating and working with other governmental entities including through the creation of intergovernmental agreements, MOUs, and other types of contracts and relationships.
- Assisting in election matters.
- Assisting in all matters involving Colorado Open Meetings and Open Records laws – CORA and CCJRA.
- Legal review and assistance regarding matters affecting or creating public policy.
- Assisting in day-to-day governance, administration, employment, and personnel matters of local government.
- Legal assistance in all zoning, building code, and wastewater treatment development and enforcement actions and in administrative drafting, revision, and implementation of zoning, building, and OWTS regulations.